Amplify Results with Biostimulators: SkinVive®, Radiesse®, and Sculptra®

by | February 14, 2024 | All Treatments

Woman receiving injectables treatment at beyond aesthetics
By Aimee Kvandal, NP

Beyond Dermal Fillers: Amplify Aesthetic Results with Biostimulators

At beyond | AESTHETICS in Camarillo and Ventura, CA, we know that injectables are an effective and minimally invasive tool for anti-aging, rejuvenation, and general aesthetic improvement. We want to talk about a special category of injectables called biostimulators. Let’s explore the science behind these remarkable treatments to understand how they work and how they can be used to optimize your beauty routine.

Sculptra® (Poly-L-lactic Acid)

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is composed of Poly-L-lactic acid, a biocompatible and biodegradable substance. This material has been used in medical applications for decades, and more recently it has been widely used for cosmetic purposes, including targeting deep facial wrinkles, nasolabial folds, and volume loss in the cheeks.1

How Does Sculptra Work?

Unlike traditional hyaluronic acid fillers that fill voids directly, Sculptra works mainly by stimulating the body’s own collagen production through a mild inflammatory reaction. The outcome? A gradual and natural-looking volume enhancement, especially effective for deep facial wrinkles and folds.

For optimal results, Sculptra is typically administered over multiple sessions, spaced several weeks apart. It provides gradual improvements, with the full effect being seen after all sessions are completed.

Benefits of Sculptra

Sculptra can actually repair the underlying structure of skin for smoother, younger-looking skin. Due to its collagen-stimulating properties, Sculptra provides a more natural and longer-lasting volumizing effect compared to some other fillers. Sculptra results can last up to two years.

Radiesse® (Calcium Hydroxylapatite)

What is Radiesse?

Radiesse is an injectable made with Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA), a substance also naturally found in bones. Radiesse is FDA-approved for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the nasolabial folds. It is also approved for hand augmentation to correct volume loss in the dorsum of the hand.2

How Does Radiesse Work?

The unique formulation of Radiesse provides both immediate and long-term results.3 Initially, the gel carrier provides instant volume and lift. Over time, the gel is metabolized, and the CaHA microspheres stimulate the body to produce collagen. Typically, Radiesse treatments can be completed in a single session, though some patients might benefit from touch-up or follow-up treatments.

Benefits of Radiesse

Radiesse provides an immediate lift due to its volumizing effect. At the same time, the CaHA microspheres stimulate collagen, ensuring prolonged benefits. The effects of Radiesse can last a year or even longer in many patients. Its duration is attributed to the CaHA’s ability to stimulate collagen, providing a longer-lasting scaffold for skin support.

SkinVive™: Enhancing the Efficacy of Radiesse and Sculptra in Medical Aesthetics

What is SkinVive?

SkinVive is an exciting new treatment that addresses the underlying cause of many visible signs of aging: hydration. Skinvive is the forest injectable that is designed and FDA approved to add hydration directly to the skin. The result is smoother, more supple skin.

How Does SkinVive Work?

Skinvive employs hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to encourage a smooth and even distribution of hyaluronic acid microdroplets—which improves the hydration of skin at a cellular level. One Skinvive treatment is typically all it takes to improve skin hydration, smoothness, and glow. Results last up to six months.

Benefits of SkinVive

Skinvive not only delivers immediate volume but significantly drives the natural collagen synthesis for lasting benefits. A major benefit of Skinvive is how well it complements other injectable treatments, including other biostimulators. It can seamlessly integrate with treatments like Sculptra and Radiesse to offer a comprehensive approach to collagen stimulation.

Combine Harmonious Treatments to Achieve Your Best Results

Together, Sculptra, Radiesse, and SkinVive represent the forefront of biostimulatory aesthetic treatments. They each bring unique properties to the table, and when used judiciously, can provide patients with a harmonized, natural-looking rejuvenation.

As the field of medical aesthetics progresses, treatments like Sculptra, Radiesse, and SkinVive underscore the potential of harnessing the body’s regenerative powers. The future looks promising, and these biostimulators are paving the way.

Get Biostimualtors in Ventura or Camarillo

If you want natural-looking, long-lasting skin rejuvenation, biostimulators may be right for you. Contact us today to talk about how these treatments can benefit you or to schedule your appointment.

1 Sadick, N. S., & Palmisano, L. (2009). Case study evaluation of dermal and subdermal facial aesthetic enhancements using Sculptra. *Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 29*(3S1), S10-S15.
2 Marmur, E. S., Taylor, S. C., Grimes, P. E., Boyd, C. M., Porter, J. P., Yoo, J. Y., & Rohrer, T. E. (2019). Double-blind, randomized, bilateral paired comparison study of the chest, neck, or face of subjects treated with Radiesse for hand rejuvenation. *Dermatologic Surgery, 45*(1), 126-134
3 Berlin, A. L., Hussain, M., & Goldberg, D. J. (2008). Calcium hydroxylapatite filler for facial rejuvenation: A histologic and immunohistochemical analysis. *Dermatologic Surgery, 34*, S64-S67.

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