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Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Renew, Refresh, and Restore Your Skin

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This non-invasive, light-based skin treatment can deliver a dramatically refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. Factors like exposure to the sun, acne, and aging can cause damage to delicate facial skin and cause irregularities such as brown spots, broken capillaries, enlarged pores, and uneven skin tone and texture. Photorejuvenation at Beyond Aesthetics in Camarillo and Ventura can diminish or resolve these issues and more, revealing skin that is fresh, youthful, and glowing.

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beyond|Aesthetics granted a Sciton Sapphire Level award for being a distinguished partner

BBL Photorejuvenation

BBL Before and After PhotosSciton BroadBand Light (BBL)™ photorejuvenation is the most advanced form of IPL available, and the experts at Beyond Aesthetics have completed specialized training with BBL in order to deliver consistently beautiful results. Using a variety of wavelength filters, BBL works wonders on reversing sun damage and clearing facial vessels as well as treating acne, unwanted hair, and loose skin. We offer a number of BBL treatment options at our Camarillo or Ventura practice.

Forever Young™ BBL

Forever Young BBL actually addresses the expression of genes that lead to signs of aging in the skin. Using this specialized treatment, we can remove or dramatically reduce the appearance of age spots, redness, small blood vessels, freckles, and more. Once the skin is clear, studies show maintenance treatments with Forever Young BBL actually make skin appear and behave younger. At Beyond Aesthetics in Camarillo and Ventura, we love to use Forever Young BBL can get your skin in tip top shape.1,2

Forever Clear™ BBL

Unlike most topical and medical methods for persistent acne that can take months of vigilant treatment before any results are visible, Forever Clear BBL has been shown to produce dramatically clearer skin in just a few treatments. During Forever Clear BBL treatment your Beyond Aesthetics practitioner will apply a series of BBL lights to acne-prone skin. Blue BBL light will travel deep into the pores to kill the bacteria that causes acne. Next, yellow BBL light will be used to tame inflammation and reduce redness. Finally, infra-red BBL will help speed the skin’s natural healing process.3

Forever Clear BBL can be applied to skin on the face as well as on the body, and we can help patients achieve and maintain optimal results by recommending a complementary, specialized skincare regimen.

SkinTyte™ BBL

SkinTyte Before and After ImagesSkinTyte employs the latest in BBL dual flashlamp technology to apply deep heat to the dermal collagen and create firmer-looking skin. Special filters allow SkinTyte light energy to penetrate deep into the skin while protecting and cooling delicate outer layers for enhanced comfort and safety. By delivering gentle pulses of the SkinTyte BBL, the body’s natural healing process is awakened, resulting in firmer, younger-looking skin with absolutely no downtime.4 Immediately after a SkinTyte treatment the skin may be warm and slightly pink as deep heat stimulates the skin. Fibroblasts become activated and cause the body to build collagen and elastin over the next 3 to 6 months. Treatment with SkinTyte is administered in 4 to 6 sessions at one to two week intervals.

Patient Results

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Planning Your Forever Young BBL Treatment*

Average treatment plan: 3 treatments, 4 weeks apart
Average procedure time: 45 minutes per appointment (face only)
Follow up consultation: 4 weeks after final treatment
Average cost: $1,215 for discounted package of 3, financing as low as $55 per month

*This example applies to Forever Young BBL face treatment package of 3 only. Procedure pricing and results may vary. Your personalized treatment plan and pricing will be determined at your consultation appointment.

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Am I a candidate?

Patients with sun damage, freckling, broken capillaries or redness are generally good candidates. Patients with Melasma are generally not good candidates. While people dealing with Melasma may occasionally get some clearance of pigmentation with IPL, there is a high chance that treatment can activate and even make pigmentation worse. HALO, microneedling and DermaSweep are better options for Melasma treatment.

Will it hurt?

BBL technology is so advanced that the days of feeling like your skin is being snapped by a rubber band are gone. We are able to focus specific amounts of energy coupled with a state of the art cooling system gently into the upper layers of your skin. This provides a comfortable, less painful treatment than previous versions of IPL’s. There is a very bright flash of light that can be startling, but we always use safety goggles so there is no danger to your eyes.

How many treatments will I need?

Forever Young BBL:
Number of treatments will vary based upon age, amount of sun damage present, previous skin treatments, and your diligence with sun protection after treatment. Many patients are happy with their results after 2-3 treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart for initial correction However, if you have darker skin or more sun damage, more treatments will likely be necessary. As mentioned previously, studies have shown that 2-4 yearly treatments with Forever Young BBL reverse the signs of aging.

Forever Clear BBL:
The bacteria that causes acne is stubborn and requires several treatments to eradicate. Typical patients require 6 to 9 treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart. Patients often see improvement in their skin after the first treatment, though some report a small acne flare. Both reactions are normal and vary person to person.

SkinTyte BBL:
4 to 6 treatments is optimal for most areas depending on severity of skin laxity. If the skin is extremely thin or lax, up to 10 treatments may be needed to see improvement. Patients that incorporate maintenance treatments with SkinTyte notice firmer, smoother skin. Come in for a consultation to let one of our BBL experts see if this treatment is for you.

Can I treat areas on my body?

Yes. BBL can be performed on all areas of the body. Generally patients need an increased number of treatments on their arms, hands, and chest for optimal clearance of sun damage or acne. SkinTyte can also be done on areas such as arms, hands, abdomen, buttocks, and knees.

Is there anything I should do/not do before my treatment?

Prior to BBL treatments, we ask that patients refrain from tanning or using artificial tanning products for 2 weeks. For patients that have a higher amount of pigmentation naturally in the skin, we may require you to use products such as hydroquinone for 1 month prior to treatment to ensure your safety.

1 Chang AL, Bitter PH Jr, Qu K, Lin M, Rapicavoli NA, Chang HY. Rejuvenation of gene expression pattern of aged human skin by broadband light treatment: a pilot study [published correction appears in J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Jun;133(6):1691]. J Invest Dermatol. 2013;133(2):394–402. doi:10.1038/jid.2012.287
2 Sciton. Forever Young BBL. Available: Accessed April 2, 2020.
3 Sciton. Forever Young BBL. Available: Accessed April 2, 2020.
4 Sciton. SkinTyte II. Available: Accessed April 2, 2020.

*Results and patient experience may vary.

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Page Updated: | Leslie Petersen has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.